Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sleep Routine?

So, last night, I decided to have Nic sleep ONLY in his bassinet. Did it work? Of course not.
We went into my bedroom at about 10:30, because he was knocked out on me in the living room. As soon as I laid him down in the bassinet, he screamed. So I picked him up, calmed him down, and tried again. Screamed again. So.. (I'm against CIO) I left him in there, but I kept my hand in there with him, and he STILL cried, but since Nic's been home, I've had no more than 2 hours of sleep at a time, and it's really getting to me, so I decided to just let him cry for 5 minutes, and risk CPS being called on me. He got really really angry, but after 3 minutes, he fell asleep for a minute, woke up and remembered he was mad at me, and cried, fell asleep, woke and remembered he was angry.. again and again and again, for about 20 minutes. I never took my hand out of the crib, just to let him know I was there with him, and I did the whole "don't worry birdie, mommy's here" thing I do when he's in pain from gas or whatever and I'm holding him, so I don't know if that helped or not, but it seriously broke my heart to hear him cry like that. Thankfully, I know what his cries mean (most of the time) adn he wasn't in pain, or hungry or wet or anything..he just wanted to be held. So anyway, at about 11:00 he was asleep, and he slept until about 12:30, and I brought him to the living room to nurse, and I think we slept out here for like 3 hours..I don't really remember. But I love that my boobs are big enough to lay down with Nic on the couch and nurse. And yeah yeah yeah.. co sleeping is bad. I dont care. Sometimes, I give in, and I need sleep..whatever. I really am worried someone is going to call CPS on me... I had the windows open last night, and I'm almost positive everyone in this little condo area heard him screaming.
..or they might call because there's a baby in the front seat!
So, we tried again in the bassinet at 3:30... and HOLY CRAP this kid would NOT STOP CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I picked him up, and he calmed down, and guess what? we basically slept in my bed on and off for the rest of the morning. Now? The little stinker is in the swing, all smiles, so it pretty much makes the lack of sleep and serious headaches all worth it.

How could I get mad when I get this face to look at?

I just don't know how to establish the sleep routine...

And so.. the whole birdie thing? This child looks like a bird! Not always, only when he cries, or if he's sitting up, and someone blows on his hair. It's so fine, that it ruffles like a little baby bird's feathers... so That's his little nickname from me. My mom calls him chicken, or chickie baby.. I swear, they have this amazing little bond. He focuses on her face and voice SO intently. I love it. I assume he's just familiar with her voice, since the WHOLE time I was pregnant, she would only talk to my belly, never to me. :)

I'm going to be getting this tattoo very soon for my Nic tattoo. I'm going to alter it to match "Nic" colors and such, but that's what I'm getting....I just don't know WHERE on my body to get it.

1 comment:

  1. we still don't have a sleep routine. its so hard to establish one if you anti CIO. i wish i could help you, but i need help on this one myself! good luck and please let me know if you find a solution...
