Monday, October 18, 2010

Acid Reflux?

For a little baby- that's a lot of puke.

I just had the most insane argument with Nic's dad about vomit. Seriously sometimes I want to strangle that man. Also? He said SIDS isn't real, and I need to calm down about it, because babies just die. WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT MAN????!!!?!?!?!?!? Who says that to a nervous new mother? If he were a DAD and not a FATHER he'd realize how nerve wracking it is worrying that your baby is breathing. Maybe when he's here again next month, he'll make a stronger bond with Nic, and he'll realize what a stupid statement that was... ugh.


I am 99.9% sure that Nic has acid reflux. His vomiting has reduced. it really has. Mostly because I realized that I have hyper lactation and he is a super sucker. Once we established that, we kinda went on our own style of nursing, and it's been working for us but lately he vomits WHILE eating. Also, he cries out in pain while eating. Not only that, he eats like, every 20 minutes lately, and only is actually eating for like 3 minutes. So.. I basically researched the shit out of this issue, and I think he has acid reflux. I have always thought this, from the beginning, and I'm going to go with my gut on this one, and make an appt for Wednesday I think. The only problem is this: My pediatrician is old. Which means his practice is old. Which means this -- he will not test for reflux, saying babies out grow such things. Here's my problem with it all- I do not like cleaning up my kid's puke all the damn time. Also? I dont like to see him in any kind of discomfort at all, and it breaks my heart when he cries from pain.
Nic's dad also thinks babies just cry because his friends' babies cry.


My issue is this. Nic was only 2 weeks old when his dad left to go home...
I'm LITERALLY with him 24/7

I know his cries, and I know what each one means. I could pick his cry out of a crowd, and Nic's dad wouldnt be able to even identify his own son. So.. when he tells me he's not in pain? It makes me irate. I know something is wrong. I know it's not colic, I know it's not just gas, and I know he's not constipated.

I know I might sound like a crazy person, and I really feel like I am with my whole "i'm a zombie" thing in full effect, but either way, my baby isn't comfortable, so neither am I.

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