Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rashes, and Reflux and Gas-oh my!

Let me tell you a little story called-I slept for 4 hours straight on Tuesday night. It was on my couch, and very uncomfortable, but I did it. I let Nic nurse until he zonked out.. then I woke him up, gave him gripe water, and nursed more. He fell asleep, and I woke him up to eat some more. I tried it again last night, but no luck. And again, we slept on the couch, because he was so fussy. I dont know what's up with him.. I'm blaming the acid reflux pain, because he is never a bad baby... and I think it's the worst at night and I don't know why... but oh well. We went to sleep at like, 11ish and he woke up at 3 to eat, so his stretches are getting longer! ...thank the sweet lord.. and then after that long stretch, it was every 2 hours.. .

So we went shopping yesterday. At Tucson Mall. I think I have a problem. I go shopping every single day.And it's progressed into more than just Target! We went to go to H&M with Monica and Caida, because since my body has morphed into some weird distant version of my preprego body, I needed some new jeans that fit my fat ass. Literally. My ass got bigger, and my stomach looks like Adam Sandler's in "Click" when he flapps his extra skin. I swear -- I'd kill for a tummy tuck. And with the tricare still in full effect until D Day happens, I think I'm seriously going to look into it. In any event, I got 2 pairs of super cute skinny jeans for 20$ TOTAL. Woot woot!While at the mall, I stopped in gymboree, and saw a shirt that says "rexerent" with a dino on it, and I wanted it, but I thought that the DB can get it for Nic. He never sends anything to him, and we send him pictures all the damn time.
I needed the retail therapy, since I am just not pleased with the (almost)ex, because, quite frankly, I loathe liars. And that is all.
I'm obsessed with skinny jeans as of late, because my new love in life, besides my sweet little boy, are boots. I liked them 2 falls ago, but I didn't know how to dress for them, and I'm sure I looked like an idiot.. but I think I've got it this time, and I got suede tan flat boots, and some black leather heels the other day. I <3 boots, and I love short sleeved sweaters. like this one..

It's American Eagle, and I want it, but I loathe buying things on line, since my kajungas are HUGE and its hard to find tops that fit.. let alone tops I can nurse in without taking it totally off. When I finally got home from shopping and dinner, I finished making Nic's other leg warmers. They're adorable. I'm so glad I thought to do this.. he loves them, and so do I.
Can we just talk about my GIANT baby? Why is he so huge?! He's like, the size of an 8 year old or something. This is nuts. He grew out of the NB and straight into the 3mo clothing in like, days. Seriosuly. I was folding laundry and a shirt he wore on MONDAY no longer fits his fatty arms.

Tomorrow, is wings... and after we need to exchange all his diapers for different brands (he only can do Pampers. Nothing else holds his pooie in!) and I think I'm going to just get a size 2 already. Size 1 is up to 14lbs but his fatty fat fat legs ... those suckers are huge.

So, Nic has a rash... it started on his cheek and now it's everywhere, and it's awful... I'm switching laundry soap ASAP

These are the perfect words.......

All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life and mean.
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean.

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