Friday, October 8, 2010

It's just you and me, kid.

When Nic is really mad-you can tell he's Italian. He screams and moves his hands around in a very condescending manner. Take that, Earle genes.

"you talkin' to me?"

And for some reason, my well behaved, happy little guy has become a very cranky, cry baby. Why did this happen? It's because I bragged on him every chance I got, and karma is coming back to get me. That's why. But really, I think he just has some tummy issues. Still. Even though the doctor said he didn't. I mean, I hate to sound cliche-- but a mother knows when something is wrong with her baby, no? So, like a freaking CRAZY person, I went back to Target to look for (again) Gripe Water. No luck. So, today my mom came over to sit with Nic, so I could shower long enough to shave my legs (which, btw I haven't done since Sept 14th...) and while she was out grocery shopping, she came across the Gripe Water....

Shit is liquid GOLD! It's organic, it's sugar's like Jesus in a bottle. Seriously. It totally calmed him down , and I <3 it. A lot. Thank the good Lord for my mother, and her mad shopping skillzzz...

So, once I gave him that, put on the sound machine (womb setting please), he was down for the count. I had to wake him up to feed himbefore LJ's grandma got here for a little visit with him...but he slept the whole time anyway. Oh well.

Anyway, back to my cranky baby.

He has been a SRB (spoiled rotten baby) since birth. Everyone has held him non-freggin-stop. Do I blame them for wanting to hold the most adorable baby known to man? No. Do I wish I had asked everyone to simply look at him? Yes. Because what we have created, Ladies and Gents.. is a sissy baby. That's right. A sissy baby, who refuses to be put down for more than 3 minutes at a time. And I blame myself, because sweet Lord, he's so cute, that I cant even put him down, and I'm literally with him 24 hours a day. It's not like everyone else and I leave.. nope. It's just me and him.

So, I have this sling... My mom keeps telling me to try it out.. that it will make life easier, blah blah blah. WRONG. He hates it! And I hate it, because I feel like it makes his neck all weird, and I'm SO afraid of SIDS, so it's just bad all around. and wtf, my couch smells like a dog... Daizy hasn't been here in a long time, and she's never been on this slip cover... WTF!!!!
I digress...
So, anyway, for Halloween, Nic is going to be carlos from "the hangover" because that is the funniest thing in the world to me. Plus, every other infant costume is so stupid, I wanna puke.
Anyway, I pulled out the carrier, and guess what? He loves it. Zonked out as soon as I put him in it.. however, I still need to learn more about it, because it was SO uncomfortable for me. No biggie I guess-- but I'm glad he likes it. I actually made myself some potatoes for dinner without hearing crying, and with both of my hands this time! Go me!

(this is me, on 2 hours of sleep. laugh, and Nic will throat punch you when he's of age)

Things are coming easier...slowly but surely. It's just me and Nic.I tell him that all the's just us. I get crazy frustrated, he cries harder. We get dressed and ready to go out, he pukes on it (or poops all over himself and his carseat while shopping at the beloved Target)...I wish Nic had a real dad, that was involved, and called to see how he's doing.. not one he sees over skype (which is totally a waste of time if the other person is watching TV and screwing around on their iPhone...). but ya know what? My dad told me this line for about 20 years now.. "life's not fair" and he's right...

...But with Nic? Mine's pretty freakin' great.


  1. hey! don't knock sissy babies lol. i have one. but seriously, break him of it NOW. its no fun having a sissy baby that's almost a year old...

  2. Yeah, see that's the problem! I don't know how. When I put him down, if he were crying like a normal baby, it would be fine, but he SCREAMS bloody murder, and I don't want my old lady neighbor thinking I'm stabbing my baby....
