Thursday, October 14, 2010

shirts I want for Nic, and a little thing called food poisning.

I. Am. Sick. Yesterday I thought it was just from too much coffee, but today after Wings, I was even more sick..
It's not fun, and here's why:

#1- Nic is also sick, and super clingy
#2- It's hard to be... ya know... sick.... with a screaming baby.
#3- I think everything is transferable through breast milk, and I'm freaking out that Nic is going to be sick to his stomach too. Not that he needs to barf anymore than he already is... good God.
#4- I wanted to work out, but every time I do, I end up getting sick. Kinda not the weightloss route I wanted to go on.

Nic is getting better. His little eye still is goopy, but it's not as bad as it all. It's no longer pink, so it just looks nasty, not like he's sick.

He throws temper tantrums.... seriously. He screams until he turns purple, and kicks his little legs and it's AWFUL! I sent a video to his father, and his response was "why is he so angry?" I know. All I know is he is a crazy baby...Seriously. He's a crazy little guy. I love him-but I do not love when he screams like that. I honestly am afraid that my neighbors are going to call CPS on me with the way he screams. Kinda sounds like someone is stabbing him or something--its AWFUL!

We're still figuring out the routine- I try and have him fed and asleep by 10pm every night, but somehow he made it 11:30pm, so I guess that's the new time. However..... instead of waking up every 2 hours, he wakes up every 45 mins to eat at night. WTF!!!!!
Seriously- during the day, he naps for like 3 or 4 hours at a time.
Nights, 45 minutes.

I swear to God in Heaven- if one more person tells me to sleep when he sleeps, I'm going to slap them in the face. I absolutly refuse to sleep during the day. That is NOT ok with me. Nic needs to learn to sleep at night, and that's that. But I swear. I'm SO tired of hearing "sleep when he sleeps" or "try and keep him up during the day"
uh--duh. if I could I would.

Which leads me to my next segment..... Un-wanted advice....

I do not care about how your son was, or how good of a sleeper he was, or blah blah blah. I also dont need to know about how pumping and bottle feeding is a great option, or how your kid barfed all the time too, and it lasted 6 years. I don't need to know that your vagina healed quickly because you did kegal exercises and you were back to banging your husband in 4 weeks instead of 6. Mostly, I'm tired of people asking me where my "husband" is. I find the question offensive when I clearly am not wearing a wedding ring- and the maker of my son is no where in sight. I do enjoy that term I've just made. Maker of my Son. bahaha. I crack myself up!
I want these shirts for Nicolas. Baaaaaadly!

This one is the one I'd like most. I'm pretty sure I'm going to make it.

...this just makes me laugh... mostly because it's true :]

Well, this one should actually say "if I don't sleep, mommy doesn't sleep" because no one else has to deal with his shenanigans.

haha... puke breath... maybe I should call him that now..

I guess when the maker or my son leaves for Afghanistan I can allow this. But I don't want anything else EVER saying anything with "daddy" on it--as I'm the only one raising him-- but if anyone gives him anything with the word "daddy" on it, it goes in the trash. True Story.

I <3 his little toes. I love even more that he sticks them out of the holes in the blanket my friend, Grace, made him.

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