I don't think I've researched a topic this hard since I was in college..I feel like I'm on this impossible quest for the holy grail or something. I NEED to find the cure for Nic's acid reflux, because his doctor isn't down with the medicine.
I'm a member of babycenter and on the website, there is a whole board about acid reflux. It's called the reflux rebels. I must have been on the board for 3 hours before I found any information on OTC medication that is safe for infants, and after researching the doses and side effects and benefits, I was exhausted. I actually am probably exhausted because Nic won't sleep at night, but that's besides the point. the point is this: Nic is now taking mylanta. I thought it was helping, and it might be, but he's really really REALLY fussy now. We got home at like, 6 and he ate for TWO hours ..he fell asleep during it, so not 2 straight hours but it was 2 hours..and when he's not sleeping, he's crying--which is SO not like him, so I'm not going to give it to him tomorrow... maybe he just doesn't like it?Or it's making it worse.. I don't know.
Today we ran about a bazillion errands, and one of course, was Target. I had been saying that I wished boys could wear leg warmers..and guess what I saw?! yep. Cute leg warmers with little taxis on it. But they were really long. And I'm sure they were supposed to be long so you can smush them but, I don't know for sure. Anyway, I was looking at them, and they looked like the tops of socks. So, I went to the men's dept and bought 2 pairs of socks and they were so much more "Nic"..yellow isn't really his color. And spending $10 on something that I could make for $2 is so much more mine. :)
I just cut the foot part off, and put hair ties on the part I cut, and sewed it up. I am by NO means good at sewing, but it works for this little thing to keep my little guy's legs warm. The problem is this with Nic: He is fat. So, the issue with him is, since he has bad gas/reflux I think the pressure of the pants band might be uncomfortable. Of course I don't know for sure-- but that's my thought, and it makes diaper changing SO much easier for me.
So, there's these, and other ones that are brown and blue. It seems that he likes them :) yay for being a (somewhat) crafty mommy.
Also, I was telling his grammy that I was going to take all his onesies and make a blanket out of them, but I think I'm going to have my mom help with that project, since I suck at sewing.
AND I thoguht that was such an original idea and I was so proud of myself...until I saw it on line. Oh well. It's still a cool idea I think.
Since we were out since 10am-6pm --I'm pretty sure tomorrow we're going to stay home all day and experiment with the mylanta, gas drops, and gripe water. I tried the gripe water in a bottle, and he sucked it down... and fell asleep. So I think that is his favorite so far.
wish us luck!
You are a crafty mommy... thanks for the morning giggle when I saw the leg warmers!!