Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mr. Nicolas

My life has forever changed. I'm officially a mother... to the most amazing, perfect little boy in the entire world.
Seriously, from the labor, to bringing him home, to going out to lunch... everything has been wonderful.

Nicolas Alan was born on Sept 15th 2010 at 12:18pm weighing in at 7lbs 15.4oz 20 inches long.
I dont want to brag... but labor was only 20 minutes, and I think I pushed maybe six (that's right, that was a 6) times total.

He didn't really even start crying until about 3 days ago, but that's because poor little guy is kinda not feeling well. He's a barfer. And not just like "oh my baby spits up a little" kind of barfer. I'm talkin' "Shoots out like a pressure washer" kinda barfer. it didn't seem to bother him much before, but I think he's just sick of it now. I also think some of it might be me. I stopped eating anything with acid, and dairy... so that isn't it, which is awesome because I REALLY missed soda and other acidic foods... but I think I just make too much milk, and he's a super eater. I crack up every time he nurses, because it's like he has been starved... when in reality he had eaten about 4 minutes ago. He roots around as fast as possible and then chows down like nobody's business. It's adorable. it hurts like hell.. but it's adorable.

Doing this solo is a lot more difficult than I had imagined. I can't imagine what it would be like if Nic was a fussy baby...
It's mostly the nights that are hard on me, and when he vomits... and bath time is kinda hard alone, but really? Its not that bad. He's totally worth only sleeping for 20 minutes a night, and not at all during the day. :]