Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yesterday, I researched and researched home remedes for acid reflux in babies. I was pretty set on making the appt for Nic with his doctor, however, I'm sure he is too old school to actually put him on the meds I think he would need, which lead to me trying to find my own cure.

I read that I should have Nic at a "sitting up" positon when I feed him. ....I breast feed
I read that I should have him at an incline when he sleeps....he sleeps in his swing to sit up
I read that I should burp between feedings... I only do one boob at a time, so of course he burps

So basically, I'm doing everything I should be doing, but he still is in pain, and still barfs all the time. He's slowly getting better about the vomit (not as often, still large amounts) but he's still in pain. He also gags EVERY time he wakes up (if it's longer than just his 10min cat naps).

So yesterday, me, Nic and his Grammy and Nona went to lunch at my favorite little Italian bakery and then, when my mom left to go to work, LJ's mom and I went to this awesome little baby boutique (babies and beyond, on broadway just east of craycroft) and they had the most amazing stuff there-- I can't even describe it. I was like a kid in a candy store. I love it. ... and I love that they had this little wedge you can put in the crib or bassinet to have Nic elevated at a slight angle, so maybe the poor kid can sleep places besides on me, and his swing.

Hopefully this will work. I didn't try it last night, but I fully intend on doing so tonight.

What I really wanted was this:
But it was freaking $135 and I don't think he'll use it for more than 3 or 4 months, and as a single mom, I just don't really think that was a practical purchase, especially when the wedge was $14.

My aunt bought me a sling for the baby shower, and I've been very timid using it, because of the positioning of Nic's head in it, so I haven't used it. At all really. Yesterday, I found a sling made by the same maker of my nursing cover (munchkin's jelly bean line) and I decided to see if Nic liked it. He did. So I bought it. He loved being held, so I figured this would provide him with the closeness he loves, while still letting me do things that I need to do, and also? Less people try & touch him this way. We used it shopping yesterday, and only 2 people tried, as opposed to the 63w4872638942873t64872634 that do at the grocery store when he's in the carseat.
So, we went to Buffalo Exchange, and Fry's and it was AWESOME. I'm told you can "descretely nurse" in it, but hello. I'm Gina and I have HUGE boobs so I can't really do that without the world seeing the girls.
Anyway- Nic loves the sling, and I love the design.

I think he looks goofy but he really loves it. I swear.
(and I still have a long way to go before I'm pre pregnancy, and it's getting annoying)

In other news? That purple shirt is beautiful... but it didn't fit right. Shopping for my new body is really hard. My boobs aren't that much bigger, but the nursing bras are not under wire and so it's really screwing me up.

Oh well.

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