Wednesday, November 24, 2010

single mom working.

So... I'm about 99.99% I'll be starting an interpreting gig on Monday morning, through December 16th. I am freaking out. Not only have I not interpreted since May, but I'll be leaving my little birdie boy for 3 weeks. :( I am freaking OUT.
I'll be leaving Nic with my mom, then my nona. My mom works at 2, and I wont get off until 3:30ish. I'll be working at the school I worked at last year, so that's kinda cool. I'll know the "team" and I'll know the clients (unless they have new students there) but I'm still super nervous. The good thing is, the other interpreters are like, insanely nice and helpful so I know if I am kinda wonky the first few days they'll be patient. I just hope I don't screw up, but I mean its been a while.

My other concern is... I EBF so, I'm really hoping I can pump at work, and make enough to not have to put my little baby on formula because that's just not in my plan. I know plans change, but I really don't have a lot of control of anything...but EBF was the only thing I really really didn't want to have to give up... that's the shit part about doing this alone. I mean, there's a lot of bull shit that happens while doing this alone.. but had Nic's dad and I stayed together, I would have been able to stay home for at least 2 years with him, and I would have been freaking thrilled. so... yay for that.


Anyway, I would have put Nic in daycare, but it's only 3 weeks, (if I even get it) and I dont feel comfortable leaving Nic with a stranger yet. Plus? look how much Nic loves his Nona!

He ALWAYS smiles at her, and if I even say the word "nona" he has a huge grin on his face. it's so cute

Today is the last day LJ is here, so once he gets back from doing things for his grandma, we're going to do Santa pictures. If we just sit at my house, we argue, so I'm trying to stay out, because it's his last day. Theres no reason to fight and ruin the last day for him, me and more importantly Nicolas.

Tomorrow morning, after we drop Nic's dad off, we're headed to my mother's house for an Italian Thanksgiving, and I'm so excited! Nic has 2 outfits to wear, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be an amazing first thanksgiving for him!

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