Monday, November 29, 2010

Picture Day

Today is the big photo-shoot for Nicolas. I am kinda freaking out...but mostly excited! It's just for the Christmas card, but still. He's so stinkin cute in the outfit I got for it. It's a little santa suit! How cute is that? I just hope he'll smile for the photographer the way he smiles for me with my phone.

Nic is in love with Sesame Street. I am too, because Super Grover is in AZ and a ball popped on a Saguaro Cactus and he said "hey snake, get outta that ball!" and I am STILL laughing about it. So is Nic. "I made a hole in that ball from my prickly parts" oh man. Nic also really likes Yo Gaba Gaba.

Yesterday was my dad's birthday, so Nic and I went over to bake a cake before they got home from Mexico, and on the way there, I stopped to get my sister and I eegees... I may or may not have given Nic a little taste of the cherry cider eegee......
Ok so I did a TINY little taste, and the kid loved it. And I've been getting so much shit for it, but he's obviously fine, and he enjoyed it, so whatever. It's just sugar, and the doctor said when he has gas or the hiccups that a little sugar was good, so ha. He's fine!

Nic's dad is leaving really soon for Afghanistan, and it's pretty much breaking my heart. I don't know what to do to keep Nic aware of at least his voice. We were going to do a build a bear thing while he was in town, but we never got around to doing it. I hope that he maybe does it on his own. My friends daughter has a recording of her dads voice... I dont know how much it helped but still, I think it's important. We'll skype I'm sure, but who knows with the internet over there.
uuugh. All I know is he's going to try and be back in az for Nic's first bday, and I mean... that's about 9 months with no contact with Nic.... I'm guessing he wont have any idea who LJ is, and that is gonna be weird.

Why the heck do I stress myself out with things that are happening in 9 months? Becasue I'm a freak show. That's why.

So, anyway, after picture day, we're going to my nona's to get Nic's stocking embroidered. It's so hard not having stockings readily available! I guess that's what I get for wanting unique spelling for my little man. I wanted something more than the red stocking with the glitter paint writing. I have a personalized stocking, and so does Nic's dad... so he needs one too! my mother in law is so cute about stockings. She got Nic a "babys first xmas" one with a picture of him on it, then shes getting a stocking embroidered with Nic's colors. SO cute! But LJ and I agreed that with Nic's green stocking, we'll put his name in red. More festive I suppose. I really am excited for Christmas -- but next year is going to be awesome.

Last night, when I was giving Nic a bath, I recorded him splashing and laughing, and it was SO CUTE! then I went to send it to people, and apparently, it's too freggin big. I'm SO mad. It was so cute! And so of course I lose the usb cord to upload it on my computer, because I got the phone the day I got home from the hospital.. and yeah. I'm an idiot! I guess I should go buy one, so I can back up my phone anyway, but ugh, it's so annoying.
At least I got a picture.

Wish me luck with the pictures!


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