Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh Sunday...

Sunday, bloody Sunday. I always freaking miss LJ on Sundays. BUT this morning... what woke me up? yeah, a dream about him, and it went a little something like this:
I was on the phone with him, and he said to move back to KY before he came home to get the house all ready and everything. I walked in the house, and it smelled like fresh paint ( so much so, that I smelled it when I woke up) and so, I was looking at the house, making sure it was ok for me to bring Nic into.. and then my MiL was holding Nic, and we brought him up stairs, and started painting his room, and moving everything in there... and I feel a tap on my shoulder and it was LJ, and he says " welcome home babe" and then I freakin woke up. yeah. So that's what I'm working with today.... stupid sundays.


Holy Moly-this week was so crazy! Nic is still stuffy, and coughing a little (mostly at night)... but it really just flew by. ... and we really don't even do a lot! Every morning, we walk 3 miles with Monica, and sometimes our moms... then I go tutor for a little while... then that's about it normally. But this week was fun.... and we'll recap with pictures :)

Nic has squash for the first time

Starbucks -- our kids love eachother :]

this wasn't an event-he just looked adorable

My Big Fat Greek with Grant, Monica and her daughter

Nic impressing everyone with his drumming skills.

Seriously though... this cracks me up. We went to Grant's house to hang out, and his friend had bongos and Nic was hitting them, then cracking up about it.. it was SO cute.

In other news... Nic's about to grow out of the bassinet. I dont know what to do, since he won't sleep in his crib. I almost want to move it in my room, so he can see me, and maybe that will get him used to it or something. My MiL suggested moving the glider in there.. and I might try that too. I just don't know. It's making me crazy though. I love cuddling with him, but I can't have him sleep with my anymore... I know I cant. But, he sleeps in his bassinet until 5am, and then I bring him in bed with me for like 2 hours. I hate waking up at 5! '
Oh man, Nic is waking up now. A whole 5 minutes napping in his crib...

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