Wednesday, January 12, 2011


My baby is going to be 4 months old on Saturday. When people say to cherish every minute because it goes by fast, they're not kidding! Nicolas rolled over today. Totally out of the blue. I laid him down on the floor while I was painting some picture frames, and looked over at him, and he was on his side! So I got excited, stopped painting (bad idea too, because my stupid idiot cat got on the counter and knocked over the paint brush, which was still covered in red freggin paint, and now I have a lovely red blob on my dish towel) and laid on the floor next to him to try and coax him to roll all the way on his belly. So, he's fat. Like so so soooo fat. He has to use his little legs as leverage, and totally swings them up to even get on his side. IT IS SO FUNNY! So, he did it. He grabbed at my hand, and pulled himself all the way over. So the next time, no finger, he did it by himself! I was so excited for him, that I scared him with all my jumping and clapping for him...poor little guy. So, I always say that I look at Nic's pictures from birth until now and cry because of how big he is, but seriously? Check this out:

First Bath-he haaaaatttteeeed it.

and now. look at the difference!

I can't even believe the change. Also? I can't believe how perfect of a combo he is of me and his dad. I think he mostly is looking like me as a baby, which I'm not gonna lie, makes me SO happy. Not that LJ isn't a very handsome guy- I just am excited that people think my baby looks like me!

Me-3 months old

LJ-1 day old

If I've said this once, I've said it 1000 times. Nic looks like LJ when he's sleeping, and me when he's awake, which is perfect. Unfortunately, the poor kid is getting his dad's bushly eyebrows and it depresses me to no end.

In any event- My kid is a crack up. He tries to feed himself. Apparently, I wasn't shoveling in the food fast enough for my little fatso, and he took the cereal off the spoon, and put it in his mouth.

Excuse the hair. He's not allowed to have a hat on at the table haha

And lets talk about the Kardashians for a moment, shall we? I freaking LOVE their eye make up, but I seriously don't know why they're famous. Also, I think it's Kourtney, I'm not sure, but the one that has a kid- I'd like her to come and tell me HOW THE HELL SHE IS SO SKINNY because I want that. Nic and I have been walking a tiny bit over 3 miles every day since Monday, and my ass hurts, but that's it. Like, I really don't know what to do. I've tried dieting, but it's stupid to do, since I'm nursing, and since I totally refuse to live my life not eating delicious cakes. Like, seriously? I enjoy sweets and wine and I will not give that up. Ever. I don't care if I weigh 285lbs ...ok, I totally do. I'm only 5'2 and that would look stupid but still. I thought about joining weight watchers, but the thing with that is this: I would get like 29 points, and honestly, it wouldn't do much. I don't over eat, I just have shitty genes, and an awful metabolism. I was actually told to eat more, more often, but uh... I don't have time. I barely have time to do all the laundry every day. I kid you not, clean clothes sat in a basket for like...oh a week. Maybe one day when I have a real husband, he can do the laundry, because I'm so over it. Like, 3 loads a freaking day! As soon as Nicolas is tall enough, the kid is doing his own. agh, I'm such a liar. I'm not going to make him do that... I intend on ruining my future daughter-in-laws life, because I already hate her. I will NEVER EVER wake him up for school though...Like starting in middle school. If his ass isn't up in time, he'll be late, and then grounded for being late. oh sweet Jesus I am going to buy an air horn for the kid if he's like his father on that aspect. Seriously. cross my heart, hope to die.

Anyway- Target has cute little valentines shirts, and I really need to go get one for Nic, but I think I might just wait until it's a little closer, since he's going through a bit of a growth spurt. I think. Oh, also? Teeth are coming, which means we are both soaking wet with drool every day day. it's SO gross. I know it shouldn't bother me, since he's my own kid, and he came out of my lady parts, but it's gross.

oh well.

Nic has many leather bound books and his apartment smells of rich mahogany.

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