And I can't really do anything about it. It's not like he understands me when I say " NICOLAS ALAN, STOP SCRATCHING MOMMY, OR SHE'S GOING TO BECOME AN ALCOHOLIC!!!!"
But I seriously don't know how to help him. He cries if anyone else but me holds him (with a slight exception once in a while to my mom, sister, brother and Grant) and is vomiting a lot more than usual, and is super fussy. AND last night, he had a rash. I'm thinking he's teething, but I really don't know.
Yesterday, there was a shooting here in Tucson, killing 6 people, and injuring at least 10 more. Its heart wrenching. A little girl died. It made me literally sick to my stomach when I heard this all, and now, it's still on the news non stop, adding more information on each channel. People are kinda being a douche about the shooter though. He's my age, and yeah he's an awful person for doing that, but people are coming forward now saying they were always scared and suspicious of him... uh hello, if you thought there was something really wrong, why the hell wasn't something done to prevent this? idiots. it's's giving me yet another nudge to move to Texas. Oh yeah. You read that right. Texas. I lived there 2006-2008. Nic's dad is in the Army, and was stationed there while we were married. He was deployed most of the time so it was just me, going to school and interpreting. I didn't love it while I lived there for the most part, but right before we moved to sucky kentucky, I realized how great it was. I met some great friends, the Deaf community was amazing, and people were SO friendly. I mean, I'm a big city kinda girl, but something about Temple, Tx really appeals to me. Maybe it was because I was so happily married there (for 2 weeks before LJ deployed... but it was nice while it lasted.), or maybe it was the crazy chain smoking neighbor who gave me a chicken card when I had back surgery, but I loved it there, and would be happy to raise my son in a small little town. Also? There's a school in Dallas conducted in ASL, but it's a hearing school. How cool is that?
ok, so that freakin quest for the bath tub. Yeah, I aced that shit. I can not believe I drove all the way to the other side of town to get a bath positioner, when the Babies R Us down the street freggin had it. But I went to return the first 45$ seat, then went to return the positioner. I really didn't plan on staying at Babies R Us, but because my friend was running late I wanted to kill some time. So... I looked in the bath area and I saw the best tub known to man, for only $25... It's HUGE and it grows with him, and I can fully submerge him in the thing. Win? I think so.
My grandpa was in the Marines. like, 50 years ago. Never went to war, never did much of anything really (not trying to sound like a douche, just stating facts.) yet is is freggin OBSESSED with anything to do with the marines. for gods sake, he got a tattoo. 50years later... Anyway, he got Nic a little outfit that says "future grunt with an attitude" or something and he wanted to take a picture with him. So I said "sure pop! Wear a marine shirt too, it will be cute."
What does the man wear?
Anyway, that was taken at my moms yesterday for a little dinner party. Which I invited my friend Grant to. Which was probably overwhelming for him, because my family is freaking obnoxious. And Big Red was on the loose. And she wanted to kiss him. weeeeiiiirrrrrrddddd.
On the plus side, Nona brought cannolis from the best Italian bakery in Tucson. If I could work there and get paid in cannolis I'd be a happy camper. I'd probably be happier if my land lord let me pay him in pastries. Speaking of which? I'm going to get fat if I keep baking things.
Delicious things, but still.
And then Nic will use him to buy DJ equipment, because apparently, he's got mad beats, yo.
Aaand, the one thing I went to the store for today, I of course forgot. How am I supposed to continue my affair with A-1 sauce if I always forget to buy it?
wow, my pa is the EXACT same way about his old days as a Marine. Totally obsessed. As a housewarming gift be bought my bf and I a Marine Corps Bulldog (their mascot I guess??) and told us to decorate our apartment around it. Love the pic, I am going to have to email it to him, just incase Cousin John hasn't already....