Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Zoo Trip!

cutie little jamies from Grant's mom on my cutie little baby

Yesterday, I took Nic to the zoo for the first time. I didn't think he'd really enjoy it that much, but I was wrong. He was asleep when we got there, because apparently, trips to the post office make him a sleepy little guy. OH- and lets just go on a quick tangent. SCREW YOU POST OFFICE GUY!!!.... jerk made me pay 25$ to send 2 medium boxes, when he knew damn well one large box would have fit everything, but he didn't let me in on that little secret until AFTER I paid. Assface. I sent LJ's packages (to the wrong address...) and that was the biggest hassle ever. He better get those freaking boxes. Irreplaceable things are in there, and also? I went through a LOT of crap to get those sent.
...back to the zoo story...
We went with Monica and her daughter, and she had a blast...with the ducks. Only. So funny.
But Nic woke up like, 15 mins in, and decided he hated the stroller. So, the little spoiled rotten baby SAT on the stroller so he could see all the animals. I'm not gonna lie, it cracked me up. I got some dirty looks from wack job mothers that must have been thinking "oh my my my, look at that naive mother putting her baby ON the stroller... 'what to expect the first year' didn't say a baby would want to ride ON a stroller...."
and to them? I say suck it. Nic had a blast seeing the elephants and giraffes.
Here are some pictures from our adventure:
Pre stroller melt down

tiny head-big paw

loved the elephants <3 style="text-align: left;">After the zoo, Monica the kidos and I went to chic-fil-a ( order me a chicken samich and some waffle fries....fo free!!!!) and then, since we were right there we went to ..... get ready for it....
Where, I proceeded to do pretty well. I only spent 30$, on necessary items, such as baby cereal, some pants for Nicolas, some makeup for my face (i assumed my skin would be glowing through pregnancy, and it was not, and then i thought it would go back to being lovely once nic was here, but it is NOT lovely at all. it's riddled with blemishes), some nursing pads( seriously, when does it stop? the LLL said it would stop after a month! LIARS), a book.."love you forever" that I remember as a child being very sweet, but now? I kinda find it creepy! The mom creeps into her grown son's house to pick him up and rock him? WTF! If I EVER do that kinda crap, I'm publicly announcing it here- please stab be in the neck with a knife! What kind of creepy old lady does that? ugh. Although, I suppose the moral of the story is sweet....which is why I bought it. haha. ALSO! I got this sweet ass towel for Nic:

it's a deer!

Anyway.... the make up made me orange. So, today after I worked, Nic and I headed to target again. JUST TO RETURN THE MAKE UP. but I didn't just return the make up... I spent like, 80$ I don't even know what I got. I got a bday present for my cousin, a make up thing for my sister, more pants for Nic, nail polish.... and I don't even know what else. That isn't the point. The point is this: Nic is getting too big for his little bath tub, so I have been on a quest for a new tub, that's bigger, but still supportive for him, since he's kinda floppy in the tub. So, since target didn't have it, I went to the cuuuuuute little boutique that I love (that is WAY too expensive for my own good) and found the seat I've been looking for! Bad news is, it's still too big for Nic. So I don't even know if I should keep it. It seems to me, that when he's big enough for it, he'll be able to just go in the big tub anyway, but I mean, I don't know much about bathing babies. So, this is what I got today...
$45 later....and I dont even think I'm going to keep it

I really want this, but I cant find it ANYWHERE

I'd also be ok with this, but I think Nic is too big.

All I know is that tomorrow, I'm going back and getting something different, because $45 seems like a lot for a stupid little seat, and I'm mad at myself for going to crazy thinking it would be perfect. dummmmb

Anyway, once I realized the seat was too big for Nic, I blew up his duck bath, and gave him a bath in there. it worked until he realized that he could push down the sides, and it would dunk him under...I swear to God, if I had looked away for a second, the kid would have drowned. Never using that again. I mean, he looked adorable in it, but still. Not worth being terrified and frustrated that he was so slippery for 30 minutes every night. but look how cute....:

Such a little ham.
Also? Today was my twin-cousin's birthday(not my cousins that shared a uterus, my cousin that is exactly like me), my 1st-first cousin (if that makes sense...)on my mom's side's birthday, and.... January 4th 2006 was the first time I recieved an email via myspace( haha) from elijah. boooo. I wish I didn't remember that, but I mean, its a double birthday.

um. I made this paci for Nic, and I crack up EVERY time I give it to him, but then I feel like an ass.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. 1st -- Pacifier is awesome! I thought you bought that and I was wondering where the hell I could get one!

    2nd -- I have a baby chair like the one you really really want. It will grow with Sophia, and has a mesh laundry washable seat. AMAZING (because she pees in it all the damn time).

    3rd -- I Love You Forever was a baby gift from Joie's aunt. I cried like a baby. I blame it on pregnancy hormones. But I also thought the Mom sneaking in there was a bit creepy as well! hahaahahaha!

    4th -- NIC IS SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!

    5th -- Those mothers at the Zoo can eff off! I hate it when people who are total strangers try to tell me or offer unwanted advice. Ugh!
