Monday, January 24, 2011

So.. Nic is super sick. Like, so sick when he coughs, he projectile vomits kinda sick. He's stuffy and it's just miserable here. I've bought like, 3 booger sucker upers, and he hates them all. He also hates vicks but, I thought it might help.. I'm trying out the foot method tonight, and I hope that works... it's really breaking my heart seeing him like this. So, I'm really quite distracted. I made dinner for my friend and it sucked so bad, because I totally didn't pay attention to it. Nic fell asleep doing tummy time, and slept for like 3 hours. He never sleeps more than 2 horus at a time. He's absolutely miserable, so I am too. He can will only sleep on me. Therefore, I give in to his complaining cry aka grunting while crying, and cuddle on him. Poor thing. It was kinda bad Saturday, but it was AWFUL yesterday, and kinda crappy today still.
On the plus side, he got to skype his dad yesterday. I could tell that Nic could recognize LJ's voice, but it's like he needed me to reassure him that it was ok. He raised his eyebrows and then glanced at me, and I smiled and so then he was cool with it. he's so damn cute!

So. I have to go to a wedding in a few days... and I have the most adorable dress, and it was $3.50. and then I have to go to a bday party, and I have a cute dress for that too. and it was way more. But omg today I got suuuuuch cute shoes to go with them! I must admit, that I like my shoes a bit skanky.. because I can't dress like one now that I've had a human toboggan out of me. Well, i suppose I could, but then I'd be that mom and I don't want that. I mean, I'm not looking to get an std any time soon, so I'll just stick with the skank shoes. And really? they're not that bad. After the events, I'll put a picture, pending my fat factor. But .... I need to get Nic a little suit, and I can not find one anywhere now that the holidays are over. Maybe Sears? I mean, I hate that store, but they have cuuuute baby clothes.


1 comment:

  1. I got Jordan's Christmas suit at Sears :) I hate shopping there too, but they DO have some pretty sweet baby clothes.
