Friday, December 10, 2010

Sick Little Nic

Not that you can tell at all from the picture, but I have a sickie baby... again. This poor kid has gone through so much in only 12 weeks! Last night, I changed his little diaper, and saw mucus (gross!) and kinda freaked out. But he didn't seem bothered by it at all. About 15 minutes later he was grunting and screaming, and his little eyes were watering! So, normally, he doesn't grunt when he does a pooie, so I changed him, and it was ONLY mucus. I freaked out. he was so upset, and I tried nursing him, and he wasn't taking it. That's when I really started to worry. My child LOVES to eat, so I was kinda nervous. He was ok after a while. He ate his "dinner", but much less than usual, and had a bath, and was splashing and having a good time... until about 3 hours later, and he was super fussy. All. Freaking. Night.
it was awful. Really awful. I'm so tired I want to die a little bit. I took him to the doctor this afternoon, and the doctor thinks he might just have a little virus. No biggie I guess, but it was quite a scare last night.

Today, he's much better. Barfy- but that's kinda normal still. We finished Christmas shopping. Almost actually. I still want to get my dad one more thing, and I need to get a little something for my friend Monica. But after that? DONESKI!!! So happy.

Apparently, this is the week where Nic's father hates me, so things are kinda sucky with that... but oh well. I can't stand the stress he's putting on me, and quite frankly, I'm done dealing with his attitude. In the end, I'm the one that gets to have my sweet little boy barfing on me. Lucky me! Seriously though. Nic's such a mamas boy it's not even funny. He is friendly with most people, but if he can't see me, he looks nervous. I not so secretly love that. I've known he was my everything since January 21st of this year (the day I found out my ego was prego) but now I know I'm his, and I honestly couldn't ask for anything more. Except maybe a HUGE house, and a maid. :)

I'm on the prism diet. I have been since Monday, and so far so good! I'm allowing myself one bad day a week, but not a really bad day. More like one bad meal. That bad meal is of course Wings! I'm not quitting that standing lunch date. I look forward to it all week and wish I went every day. It's like sex in a basket, but better. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with Nic's poo though. it's really not a hard diet or anything, and it's not like I am drinking shakes rather than eating food. I actually am consciously trying to get 1500 calories a day, so it's good. I just am not having flour, sugar or starch. Kinda sucks. I basically would kill a man for a bagel or some pasta.

I laid Nic in his crib so I could do a load of laundry, and he fell asleep just now... and that lasted about 30 minutes. it's a start! he's babbling in there now.. So I better get him before he freaks out too much.
He's such a cutie. :)


  1. Can I add you to facebook? I love your honesty & writing.. so that means we'd be great friends.

