Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Afghanistan Can Suck It.

Nic's dad left last night for Afghanistan. It sucks. It's not like he was here helping me out with Nic and now I'll be overwhelmed... but it was nice when Nic was doing something cute to be able to call LJ and tell him what was going on... or when something was really upsetting me with my family, I'd tell him because he was just there to listen... or whatever. We don't always get along, but we were always there for eachother.. and while we'll still be able to skype sometimes, and email... it's just not the same.
Also? The man confused the shit out of me last night, when he said "i love you" before he hung up..it wasn't like "oh I love you Gina.. we'll see eachother soon" kinda thing-- it was just a quick little "I'll call you later... i love you" and it was weird. Of course I said it back, but like... wtf. Basically, we left it at If it happens, it happens, and that's all I guess.


First time actually sucking his thumb! Yay for me being attached to my phone to capture this :)

Where's Nic?


In the world of motherhood.... I have some amazing news! Nic has slept through the night 3 nights in a row. The first night, he slept from 11:30-6:45 (it would have been longer if LJ hadn't called and woken us up) and the last 2 nights it was midnight-5am. last night I couldn't sleep to save my life. I even drank (a lot) of wine. I was just so sad about lj leaving. But still, Nic slept!
Last night for him was weird too. My friend Monica came over to whine and wine, and Nic woke up at 9:15 to eat, and I figured by the time she got here, he'd be sleeping. Nope. He didn't sleep until she left. I nursed him twice, AND gave him a second helping of cereal. So, either, he's not getting enough from me, or he's having a growth spurt... or he's jsut a fatso. either way. haha
I think tonight, I'm just going to have him eat a little later than usual, and give him a little more. I dont know... we'll see I guess.

In other news, my Nona is in the hospital, and no one will give us a straight answer as to when she'll be able to come home. She has COPD and bronchitis, and all kinds of anxiety aaaand so my mom and aunt keep joking that the doctor should give her medical marijuana. The woman wont even drink caffeine.. haha I can't even imagine her high.

I seriously would laugh myself to death if I saw her high.

But I'm going to slap a doctor in the face if they don't let her go home for Christmas eve. We have a Christmas tradition to go to church, and then my grandparents house for dinner and to open the presents from them, and our aunt. I have an uncle on that side too, but apparently, he's not allowed to talk to us anymore. The douche didn't even congratulate me on Nic, and I send a birth announcement. I have no idea why I wasted it on him, since he and his wife completely separated from out family, and I want to slap them in the face with a fucking fish.
That is all.

Nic and I are going to go watch Grey's Anatomy, and wait by the phone to hear from LJ. Freaking deployment sucks.

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