Friday, June 24, 2011

uh wow.

So, it turns out I'm not so much teaching sign language as much as I'm just signing with kids. Still freggin awesome, because today I asked a color of a frog and a little boy signed green, rather than voicing it.

Awesome. Seriously, the other teacher (who is like, freggin awesome) knows sign and teaches them signs all the time too, but this was like, incredible.

But, Nic is sick. I thought it was teething, but he has the diarrheas, and a fever of 102, and he barfed on me at work (gross) and he's just not himself. Like, he's tired, and he napped pretty much all day.
eff me in the a.
Seriously? the kid never naps so I'm freaked the fuck out. I still dont know what it is, but yesterday and today I left work early because he was sick. I also think it's the germies. It's not like this is a gross daycare, b/c I wouldn't work in a place like that OR take my son to a nasty place.. hellooo, but still. Kids have germs, he's bound to get something.

I'm debating on taking him to urgent care in the morning, but with Motrin and a cold washcloth, his temp was 99.. so I don't know what to do. I hate the ER- people barf there, and I will have a panic attack, and so I can't go.

I mean, I'm new to all this, so it's confusing, and my dang mother isn't here.

Thanks a lot, Teen.

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