I loathe how hot it still is here in Tucson. Today, we went to a car show, and we were all super sweaty. It was disgusting. It was a pretty decent show! Nic's first one of many I'm sure.:]
Nic with my sister with a 67 chevy (and my handsome devil of a bf behind them )
Other than that- nothing exciting at all has been happening, and it's pretty depressing. Well, we did pick pumpkins.
I swear to God my kid should be a model.
Pretty much my job is sucking me dry. I'm thankful I have a job at all but I mean, really? I just want to interpret. My bf's little bro sent me an interpreter position posting, but I really don't know how I'm supposed to make that work, since the hours aren't conventional-it's at a college. And who knows if I'd even get it! I haven't really been signing at the interpreting level in over a year-- besides freelance stuff. I'm quite depressed about that. I keep saying I want to move to get an interpreting job, because Tucson sucks. Like, really sucks. I should have moved to Texas when I had the chance. I'm seriously considering emailing the college again, just to see if they still need positions. I can't handle the stress of doing this whole single mom thing with the minimal pay I'm getting at the daycare. I mean, it's enough, and thankfully- LJ may be a lot of things, but a dead beat father isn't one of them. He gives the full amount of child support we agreed upon before Nic was even born. I don't know if that amount is going to change when we go to court, but I'd really hope he's reasonable enough to see how freaking expensive Nic is. Homeboy can't just drink normal milk. Nope. He has to have coconut milk, rice milk and soy milk. ALL THREE. He can't just have coconut, because if that's all he drinks, its too much potassium, can't have too much soy, because there's estrogen in there and he is a boy and would look all awkward with juggies... and rice milk doesn't have enough nutrients. he doesn't eat enough to NOT get nutrients from his "milk"-- so thats a lot of milk, and that's not cheap. 1 gallon of regular milk is like $2... this crap is like $4 for like 20oz. YEP! and dude drinks 8oz of each a day. THANK GOD he doesn't have the gluten allergy. That was a pain in the ass to make food with that restriction. It's still hard with the whole dairy thing, but it's better than the gluten issue. I just hope he outgrows that. Ice cream is too delicious to never have. And so is pizza. And mac and cheese. Shit. his life is going to suck. hah.
For halloween, I think Nic is just going to be a greaser. Might as well right? And then that way I can wear a circle skirt :] so excited. I hope Teen will help me make it. My mother is one crafty woman. I want it black with white polka dots with like... maybe red buttons or something. AND then I'll do some freakin victory curls. HELLZ YEAH. I was born in the wrong freggin era. Today at the car show only confirmed that.
Taladaga Nights just came on, so I obviously have to stop blogging now. Shit's funny.