Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I sure have been slacking on blogging these days... but between Nic, work, keeping my house not looking like the zombie apocalypse has taken over and other.... personal things.... My life is nuts! But I absolutely love it. Minus the work thing. Because I fucking hate that part. The fact of the matter is this: I want to re marry, and I want to re-marry someone insanely wealthy, so I never have to work again, and I can just stay home and play with my sweet Nicolas all day.
After all, they say the first time is for love, second is for money...
Or maybe, it should be first time for love until it goes to shit because SOME people are dicks, the second should be for looks, a good time, making you feel awesome and being great with your child from the previous marriage.. and third for money? Either way, I'm sick of working. I work with some pretty nice people, but it's not cutting it for me. I want to stay home with Nic, because I'm tired of other women playing with him all day instead of me. And I hate working from 9-6 ... my evenings are consisting of me coming home, cooking, giving Nic a bath, and putting him to bed, and hanging out, without him. No good.

Oh, and also? If I stayed home with him? He probably wouldn't have fallen and PASSED OUT because someone wasn't wathcing him. I get it though, accidents happen, you can't give 100% of your attention to one kid when you have a class full of 9 but still. i dont give a shit about the other kids.... MY baby was hurt. So I left, and he's fine. I just hate this shit. I hate worrying, and b/c of my worry, I have a killer headache and that sucks.

I'm slacking something fierce on taking pictures of Nic ... I'm going to have to do a quick little photo session with him this weekend before his Grammy comes to baby sit. I'm pretty excited for that. It's nice to have a night off :]

1 comment:

  1. Heh my first marriage was for looks, my second was for being appreciated and loved for who I am. I think marriage has been AH-mazing the second time around! ;)
