Sunday, November 6, 2011


Finally finally finally Nic is getting a tooth. 13 months old, and he's getting his first tooth. I was really starting to get worried! But the tooth is coming out, slowly but surely-- you can see it, and feel it, and he keeps running his little tongue over it, and it's just hilarious.
Halloween went off without a hitch. Nic was an amazing greaser, and I played the part of a 50s housewife beautifully. I mean..I just put a dress and apron on, but it was still fun. We didn't really do much, since the whole concept really wasn't something Nic could yet grasp. So we went to my Nona's clubhouse and that was just fine. Not too crazy for the little one, but he still got some candy and some cheetos-- his new favorite snack.
MyPop, me and Nico-worlds cutest greaser

He is doing this thing, where he screams if he doesn't get his way. He does it if he wants something and can't ask for it, he does it if you tell him no. IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!
So, thankfully, in addition to my mom watching Nic once during the week for a date night, she's agreed to take him for an overnight visit. I'm so happy. I just want to sleep until 8am. And maybe go to breakfast, and a little antiquing or something. But I don't want to wake up at 5 to Nic crying for his "buppy" (cup) because HE NO LONGER USES A BOTTLE!!! at all. Ever. He weaned himself off of it! He's so smart. Anyway, I really am so happy Teen is doing this for me. She probably is doing it a little for herself too, because she adores that little man, but still -- it will be nice. I haven't had an over night sitter since LJ was here.

I started Christmas shopping yesterday. I'm starting with my two favorite boys, and I'm almost done with both. Also, it's my dad's 50th birthday in 22 days, and I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out what to get that guy. And then what to get him again for Christmas. I really have an awfully hard time shopping for the men in my life. And then... do I get LJ a christmas present from Nic? What's the rule on that? I mean, obviously, I'll send him Nic's christmas card, buuuut I mean, what's the rule for that? I wish there was a book with all the rules for all the bull shit that goes along with getting a divorce. Anyway, Mat and I were at the antique shop on Tuesday, and we saw an airplane propeller, so I think I'm getting that for my dad for his birthday. I can't tell you how amazing it is that he actually thinks of things my family members would like. It's really refreshing. Like... he has the same interests as I do, and I don't have to beg to do fun things, and I don't have to worry about the whole "Nic" issue, because it's so obvious that he loves Nic, and it really just gives me a feeling I can't describe. To know that not only has someone accepted me, 100% as I am, (with all my wierd little quirks, my crazy family... my crazy looking post-baby body...) but he's accepted my son too? That truly speaks volumes about this man. I never thought it would be an option for me, and I'm so so glad things worked out the way they did.

For a while I was doing the prisim diet. I loved the results, but it was waaaaay restrictive, and it really encourages eating a lot of meat, and I jsut can't bring myself into doing that. I don't like the taste, it hurts my stomach, and I just can't really stand cooking it. But I lost a lot of weight. Then Big Red died, and I went off the diet, and I gained all that weight back. Ok, so not all of it, but 5lbs in like 6 weeks. Maybe not really 5.. but I can definitely see the weight gain. This happened last year too. But at halloween. I'm a sucker for candy! But I really think I'm going to start bringing a change of clothes and start walking udhal park or reid park after work a few days a week, and maybe run on the weekends. We did race for the cure, and ran some of it, and it was really nice. I didn't have any back issues after either, so hopefully that will be an option. I know my sister would jog with me and Nic, but she goes for a long time, and I'm just starting out, so I don't know that she'd want to be lagged by us.

Um, also? I'm seriously considering getting Nic a dog for Christmas...maybe a wiener friend!!